Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Being Resourceful As A Photographer

One thing that can be very overwhelming when you’re just beginning as a food or lifestyle photographer is the feeling that you need to have a huge studio or a large prop cupboard. Seeing others work online can make you feel like “ooo I need that too” or “I’d like to try that surface, “ and then the next moment you know your list of things to buy or find is long and scattered. I certainly have little to nothing when I began experimenting in my cottage.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Sweet Summer

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the beauty and bounty of summer, not just in the buckets of flowers at the market or the jeweled blackberries dripping off the vine in the yard, but how it’s the mindset of abundance and well-being. Before I moved to Maui, it was constantly on the go, and I barely ate properly until I got home to my tiny apartment. I was exhausted and overworked, and my soul was locked in a dark corner, wondering when it would be able to see the light (literally and figuratively) again.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

The Power In The Walk

Salty swims, ripe mangos, chipping birds at the crack of dawn. Hello July…summer is here and it feels so wonderful. I try to spend as much time outside, often taking my laptop onto the grass as I do now. The little red cardinal that curiously comes around looking for food is nearby. (He waits by my doorstep for food and flies over when I'm home, it's too funny.) Working from home when the weather is divine is a true privilege.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Evoke The Senses

I was flipping through some of my favorite books the other day, ones I return to repeatedly. The well-worn and dogged-eared pages share more than just my love for them but something else entirely. On the side of my desk, I have a board full of disconnected images, clippings from magazines, printouts, and little bits that are inspiring or strike a cord in my heart with me. Most of these are dreams, and some are creative inspirations for my work. "How could I replicate that feeling"? Besides just making a pretty picture and styling a scene, visual storytelling is so much more based on our human experience, emotions, and senses.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

A Note From England

It's been a minute since I posted last, but the past few weeks have been filled with so much inspiration and beauty. As you may know, I recently traveled to England for a holiday and a photography workshop in Dorset. Now that I'm home, wistfully sipping my tea on the sofa with the birds chirping outside, daydreaming of the idyllic English countryside, I wanted to share some beautiful moments.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Cake & Couture: S Curve Composition

"Draw an S from the head, through the hips, to the floor…" my illustration professor told us during a live model drawing session. The model quickly changed position every 10-15 seconds, just enough for us to loosen up and capture the essence of the pose. Wait, wait, just one more second! I'd think as she turned away from me. Page after page, I began again with the S curve in mind. (I wish I had my sketch books with me here on Maui to show you!) It wasn't about the details but rather capturing the emotion, stature, and movement in single fluid lines. The letter S, in fashion illustration, was the standard guideline taught to present our sketches and designs.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Thoughts On Shooting Outdoors

Light is everything; it's the magical element every photographer chases. I only shoot in natural light as I love its purity and ethereal feeling. Personally, I shy away from artificial anything even though artificial lighting does have its place for certain food photography. Although in Maui, I certainly have plenty of sunshine (thankfully), so I shoot most of my work outside under the trees or a makeshift blanket on my front step. I feel so fortunate to have plenty of beautiful spots around my cottage outside to play with.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Spring: A Recipe From The Art of Picnics

I’m certainly feeling spring's productive and industrious nature lately, almost to the point of feeling gratefully overwhelmed with many good things. Joyous, happy, exciting things! As spring naturally is…the little joys throughout the day. The first peach blossoms, the birdsong, the quiet early morning stillness, misty rain….what little things have been giving you joy lately?

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Spring Peas & Burrata Bruschetta

The joys of the spring season are all the fresh, tender greens at the farmer’s market and in the garden. Often simplest is best, especially when it comes to the flavors of springtime. Zesty lemon, spicy arugula, and English peas are some of the season’s best. The other afternoon I made a hearty ciabatta, which was the perfect foundation for an improvised spring bruschetta with creamy burrata.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Curate Your Prop Cupboard

An intentionally curated prop kit is one of the fundamental ways to create a cohesive and rounded portfolio. And it has to be said, I do love pretty things! When I first began shooting, I didn't have the budget to buy every type of wine glass or whatever my heart desired. I had to be very conscientious in choosing the right props that would be trusty workhorses in my work and kitchen. Moreover, I also lived in a small cottage with only a little storage space for a wide selection of fun things to play with.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Spring Detox Parsley Salad

We’re just on the cusp of spring! You can feel the lightness in the breeze, ready to renew and refresh our home and spirits. These lighter and brighter days make me yearn for something fresh and cleansing, which is nothing new come spring, of course, but I made a simple salad this weekend with the ever-humble herb parsley, and it was just what I needed. Most people think of flat and curly parsley as a finishing garnish or the last flourish to add a bit of green to a dish.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

A Lesson From 7th Avenue

Throughout my creative career, which has varied from rummaging around dusty fabric stores snagging swatches on 7th avenue in the heart of New York to testing recipes for my cookbook, one thing that has been the constant thread throughout is that storytelling matters. Not only through the written word but visually as well. We had to design a complete ready-to-wear collection and construct one of the looks for our capstone collection. (It was a lot of work, to put it mildly!) Before we even started the designing and sketching process, the professor wrote on the board, “What story do you want to tell?

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Pricing Your Work

I've never been a numbers person; in fact, I detest math, numbers, and anything analytical. It's never been my strong suit, and I avoid it like the plague. I always look on with wonder and awe at those who can calculate in a matter of seconds. Although, over the years, with a big sigh, mind you, I have fully embraced and accepted it's not my strength nor cup of tea.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Spring Cherry & Orange Double Crust Cheesecake

My tangerine tree is laden with fruit; just one sign around my cottage that spring is on the way! I was craving something light and sweet, so I usually lean toward berries and cream. But I do love something crunchy alongside it, so this light double-crust cheesecake was just right. After all, the crust is the best part, in my opinion, of any cheesecake!

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

5 Tips To Cultivate Your Visual Voice

One of the biggest challenges I faced as a new photographer in the early days of my career was defining my style and visual voice. I knew what I enjoyed photographing and what lit my "creative fire," but my work was all over the place. I'm entirely self-taught; I started with simple still lifes and creating little scenes in my cottage. A basket of peaches, sparkling champagne, or a cozy corner piled with books strewed about the floor with a steaming cup of tea in the morning sunshine...

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Leek & Potato Galette with Taleggio

Another tropical storm has rolled in this weekend, leaving me craving something cozy and comforting. Yet something with a nod to Spring, as if to gently nudge the rainy winter weather its time to roll on by. Admittedly, I was feeling rather lazy and listless due to the grey, damp weather, so a rustic galette felt just right. Even Winslow, who normally is like a gleeful piggy in mud in these stormy days, has had enough of being perpetually damp…longing for the sunshine again like myself.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Our Creative Well

Someone once told me that creativity isn't linear. As creatives, our countless ideas can bounce from here to there, sprouting every way like spring tulips dancing with the sunlight. It can be the most treasured gift and also unknowingly a hindrance. Have you ever struggled with having too many ideas and inspiration? Sometimes I fling open my notebook and let the ideas flow, unfiltered with no care if they feel coherent or grammatically correct. Penning and voicing your ideas can feel very cathartic, like a release, and with one big breath, you can sit back and reflect. As passionate creatives, our unhindered and unabashed love for beauty, aesthetics, and storytelling is our superpower.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Spring Abundance Table and Lemon Rosemary Flower Shortbread Biscuits

What brings me joy while waiting on spring, and is just a cheerful, lovely sight to see, is a bright and colorful display in my kitchen. A spring abundance table, if you will! I like to create a pretty display on my kitchen table or somewhere I usually pass, such as a side table or pantry area. Bowls of zesty lemons or oranges, an antique creamer filled with fresh spring herbs such as parsley or dill, fresh blooms (of course!), candles, anything that feels and looks bright and cherry…a reminder that spring is on the way in all of its verdant, blossoming glory.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

Winter Tagliatelle With Italian Sausage & Cavolo Nero

It’s been a cozy and wet few days as of late. Winslow and I have been tucked away in our little upcountry cottage as the winter island rains fall steadily in gales and heavy downpours. It’s common for this time of year, although I never seem as prepared as I hope to be when a tropical system arrives. I live completely off the grid, which does have its benefits and limitations, especially when a passing storm rolls through. We rarely have lighting and thunderstorms, so it feels quite exciting until my solar batteries are completely drained.

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Alanna O'Neil Alanna O'Neil

How To Cultivate Loving Self-Discipline

Have you ever struggled with consistency and self-discipline? Entrepreneurship can be a rocky road with dead ends and fruitless paths. It's risky, it's brave, but rewarding ten times over. And if you're a creative, our blessing of imagination and whimsical ideas can often be the very things that cloud our journey. But, without consistency and self-discipline, the odds of success in the long haul are more than likely stacked against you as harsh as that sounds! 

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