Sweet Summer

cherry tart

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the beauty and bounty of summer, not just in the buckets of flowers at the market or the jeweled blackberries dripping off the vine in the yard, but how it’s the mindset of abundance and well-being. Before I moved to Maui, it was constantly on the go, and I barely ate properly until I got home to my tiny apartment. I was exhausted and overworked, and my soul was locked in a dark corner, wondering when it would be able to see the light (literally and figuratively) again. Everyone was on to the next thing, looking for the new “it” trend, the new whatever….never satiated. My nervous system was in a constant state of flux, and I could see others climbing in their career while I was still shaving animal furs in a dark basement. Thoughts of why did they get that or why can’t I do that, or am I not cut out for this were constant companions. It sparked a scarcity belief in me which has been a long journey to break down. Scarcity of opportunity and not having and being enough. And if you’re a late bloomer like me or find yourself where you never expected to be, this can be a real challenge.

What has helped me overcome or at least chip away at a scarcity mindset as a creative entrepreneur is to reflect and appreciate all of the abundance and beauty in nature. Now we are at summer’s peak, and nature is literally bursting in bloom, fruit, and color. It’s our best source to see and feel abundant and well. I’ve been a highly active person, but I didn’t realize how internally unwell I was until I turned within to see the wellspring of joy, peace, and abundance that already existed within me. Everywhere I look around my cottage or the island, there are little reminders from nature that life is abundant and it’s supposed to be that way.

What’s more, is it’s easy and flowing….just ask your weeds who pop up wherever they feel like it! When I’m feeling disheartened because a company didn’t email me back or another doesn’t want to work with me, I have to remind myself that it’s ok. There’s enough for everyone; there’s more than enough for you. If not this one, then another one will! (Again, just ask the weeds!) She got that promotion; she works with them now? They partnered with him?  Rather than closing up and feeling like all the opportunities are being sucked away from under our feet, we have to remind ourselves that there are so many beautiful and amazing opportunities that can and will come our way. Frame thoughts thoughts this way instead: good for them! If they were able to do that, so can I! It puts you in a receptive and abundant energy as opposed to a scarce, guarded one. The moment I start to feel like my chest tightens or I get a scrambling “do this, be that then X will happen,” I take a step back, sit outside, and remind myself of all the abundance and beauty around me. Flowers work wonders for this. Prop yourself in front of a gorgeous bouquet of summer blooms, and you can’t help but feel abundant and joyful, even if it's just for a second. How can we feel without with such a glorious bunch in our hands! My weekly flower bouquet is something I look forward to every week. It’s a simple, easy, and inexpensive way to elevate the spirit and get into a higher, abundant state of mind. Without getting too spiritual, there is so much for us to enjoy and appreciate if we look for it. Worrying about where your next client will come from or why they didn’t choose you isn’t your business. If it’s meant for us, it will be, and in the meantime, we just keep flowing like water around a rock, creating and striving to be our best, constantly learning, and appreciating all the bounty and beauty that already exists for us. (And what awaits us too!)

With the bounty of the fruits in mind, I made a cherry galette for Sunday. It’s probably the easier dessert you could make with few basic ingredients. Even those who shy away from baking or pastry will find it quite rewarding to do. Honestly, I didn’t record the recipe, but it begins with a basic pie dough and two cups of fresh fruit. This Food & Wine recipe is a good place to start; galettes are so forgiving and rustic by nature, so you can improvise however you like. I just used cherries with a little bit of lemon and orange zest because they are in season and so divine.  Sometimes all we need is a slice of pie and some flowers in the sunshine to see our world differently, even if it's just for a moment on a Sunday. 

I hope you are having a wonderful and bountiful summer,


alanna oneil photographer
alanna o'neil photography
alanna oneil photographer

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