The Power In The Walk

Salty swims, ripe mangos, chipping birds at the crack of dawn. Hello July…summer is here and it feels so wonderful. I try to spend as much time outside, often taking my laptop onto the grass as I do now. The little red cardinal that curiously comes around looking for food is nearby. (He waits by my doorstep for food and flies over when I'm home, it's too funny.) Working from home when the weather is divine is a true privilege. Although, there are moments when I simply can't be in front of the screen any longer, not just because the sunshine beckons outside, but because I feel stagnated; my energy feels stagnate and stuck if I'm sitting for too long. It's even more noticeable if I'm stuck on something or in a creative rut. It's as if the energy and issue are just churning away inside, with nowhere to go. Rather than sitting in a chair, blankly looking at a screen in hopes of an answer, I just get up and move. "Right, let's go for a walk Winslow." Even though I run every day, there's something about walking that gets your the cogs of your mind moving. Often I'll walk several loops around the garden or long driveway to get the energy moving and out. It's as if you're moving through something rather than sitting with it. Sometimes it's consciously thinking of what to do, and at other times it's an energetic clearing and letting it go to focus on the present moment. I find moving with the "issue, problem, confusion" allows me to mold it, dissect it, and see it from a different perspective.

 Even if you don't come to any conclusions, you're sure to see it in a different light, or maybe another idea pops into your head you've never considered. For me, creativity is deeply connected to movement. It's when I have those "ah ha" moments of clarity or receive a spark of a new idea. It's a way of moving through and with ideas as they arise and untangling them when needed. Former President Obama is said to have held many important meetings on walks. And that makes complete sense energetically! You start from point A, hoping to get to point B, but end up at point M instead, a greater path you couldn't have seen if you sat and stewed at your desk. Since the weather has been so lovely, (well, it usually always is here on Maui who am I kidding!), I make a point to walk out any sticky feelings or confusion. Walking in nature, I find, is the most restorative and grounding, so take advantage of your footpath or park if you can. Usually, I leave the phone at home to clear my head and be present with my thoughts, or sometimes I tune into a podcast. Everyone is different, and it really depends on your mood. These are just a few of my favorites I hope you'll enjoy next time you need a little pick-me-up or company on your walk.  

Sending you lots of love and encouragement… 


Almost 30: A recent discovery, but I can’t get enough of it. Laura and Krista are a delight to listen to, and they chat about spirituality, entrepreneurship, relationships, and health.

Hashtag Authentic: Creative entrepreneur Sara Tasker takes on all things creative business, intuition, marketing, and how introverted creatives can stay authentic in a changing social media world.

On Purpose: I love Jay Shetty’s genuine desire to serve and help others grow in all areas of life. His wisdom from his previous life as a monk is truly inspiring and has helped me on some of my darker days. (That said, check out his new book, 8 Rules of Love, available on audible too if you’d prefer to listen on your walk.)


Sweet Summer


Evoke The Senses