Winter Tagliatelle With Italian Sausage & Cavolo Nero

puppy on bed
candle on table

It’s been a cozy and wet few days as of late. Winslow and I have been tucked away in our little upcountry cottage as the winter island rains fall steadily in gales and heavy downpours. It’s common for this time of year, although I never seem as prepared as I hope to be when a tropical system arrives. I live completely off the grid, which does have its benefits and limitations, especially when a passing storm rolls through. We rarely have lighting and thunderstorms, so it feels quite exciting until my solar batteries are completely drained. The mountainsides are flowing with rivers and waterfalls, and the ground is drowning in puddles. Oh, the joys of wintertime, no matter where you live, be it with snow or rain. I’m sitting by candlelight as I write this, waiting for the next shower to pass through. Anticipating that I may not have power through the evening, I prepared a hearty and nourishing winter pasta earlier that is perfect for a damp, cold day. Winter is long, and it is far from over. So, with hands up in the air, all we can do is make the most of it and bring light and warmth into our home. Maui winters certainly are milder, but endless rain and gloomy days are to be expected. And with that, I’m off to warm up some pasta before the power flicks off again. I hope you enjoy this easy yet comforting dish for these long winter days…


1 lb fresh or dried tagliatelle

extra virgin olive oil

1 shallot, minced

1 small fennel bulb, thinly sliced, fronds and stalks removed

3 garlic cloves, minced

2 teaspoons fennel seeds

1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

3 pork mild Italian sausages, casings removed

sea salt

1/4 cup white wine (whatever you have around)

1 large bunch cavolo nero (Tuscan kale) ribs removed and roughly chopped

1 cup chicken stock

reserve 1/3 cup pasta water

1 cup chopped walnuts

Parmigiano Reggiano to serve

Bring a large stock pot of generously salted water to a boil. Cook the tagliatelle according to carton instructions just before al-dente. (I like to undercook my pasta because you can always continue to cook it in the pan later.) Reserve 1/3 cup of the starchy water.

Add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, the shallots, and the sliced fennel to a large sauté pan over medium-low heat. (Adding the shallots and fennel to a cold pan to start will prevent burning).

Cook the shallots and fennel, stirring occasionally, until they begin to soften and are slightly translucent. Add the garlic. Reduce the temperature if they are browning at the edges too quickly.

Add the sausage meat to the pan, breaking it up with your hands if necessary. Add the fennel seeds and red pepper flakes.

Break the sausage meat up with the back of a wooden spoon as it browns. Once the sausage meat is nearly cooked, add the white wine. Stir and cook for another minute or two until the alcohol cooks off. Season with salt to taste.

Add the cavolo nero and chicken stock to the pan and cover it with a fitted lid. Cook until the greens begin to wilt, about 6-7 minutes slightly.

Once the pasta is finished, add the reserved 1/3 cup of pasta water to the pan, scraping up the bottom bits.

Add the pasta and chopped walnuts to the pan, gently tossing it in the sauce and greens and coating the noodles evenly. The pasta will finish cooking in the pan. Drizzle with additional olive oil.

Serve immediately with freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Cozy up and enjoy!


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