Cultivating Your Vision
“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”
I was at the beach today by myself, without Winslow; he had an upset stomach, and the lack of wind would have made it much more uncomfortable for him. Another reason I had to just get out of my cottage that is it’s getting some much-needed work done; goodbye wood shower! And with so much dust, dirt, and construction junk around, my anxiety was creeping up, making me feel so scattered. So I packed up my beach bag, gave Winslow a belly rub, and went to a private little spot on the North Shore. It’s not the most expansive of beaches, but generally, you can find a little spot to tuck away in, and no one is around. You can actually feel alone and just soak up the soothing environment. Hard to believe of “paradise” right? Usually, I’ll bring a book (currently reading The Inner Life of Animals) or listen to a podcast. But before I was about to find a new one to download, I stopped and looked around. I looked at the clear turquoise water thinking; wow, people would do anything to be right here in this spot right now. I saw the happy beachgoers at the far end playing in the ocean. The wind fluttering the palm leaves overhead. I heard the rhythmic lull of waves on the shore. No one was around apart from those few in the far distance. It all felt like it was just a moment of peace for me. I didn’t need a podcast or a book. Some inner voice said, just be. Just be and truly see where you are right now. How fortunate you are to be sitting with your toes in the sand and sun on your skin. When I paused just to sit and be on my blanket, another question rose up…
What do you envision for this year? And I knew immediately the answer. You see all of this? The voice said. This place, this beach, this moment holds it all. It’s all possible. The “now” is where it all begins and ends. It made me reflect on how all my past troubles and experiences had led me to this moment, right where I am. My current worries were insignificant to the power that the universe holds. All of a sudden my mood lifted and I felt hopeful about the vision I saw when I closed my eyes. I could see it. It was already there. And I smiled. I swear the sun shone brighter.
After a little while of listening to the waves and receiving these answers, I did eventually pick a random podcast I had in my lineup, and it was Marie Forleos’ “How To Be More Loving.” I liked the sound of the title, so without hesitation, I played it out loud. The first few moments her guest said,” You are the sky. The infinite all encompassing sky that wraps around the world infinitely. Within you are limitless possibilities. Your thoughts and emotions are just the clouds. They pass and they change, but you are not the clouds. You are so much more than you can even fathom.” When I heard that, it gave me a little chill because it felt like a sign of what I had just experienced. It felt like a sign that everything was going to be ok and more than I could dare dream.
I wanted to share this personal story with you because January can be a challenging time. It is a month where we begin full steam ahead, then lose energy and our goals, and dreams start to dwindle. We scramble to make up for lost time or finally get that one thing done, only to set ourselves up to fail months down the line. While I do have a fervent, gritty nature, sometimes I put too much pressure on myself. So rather than running into the new year with gusto, why not tread lightly and listen. Listen to what is in your heart for this year. What does it say? What is it yearning for? Our hearts, minds, and bodies are more interconnected than scientists ever thought before. So what are they telling you? Maybe your anxiety about new clients is creating tension in your neck? Before making a list of your January to-dos, take a time out in nature, somewhere quiet and peaceful, and just listen. The most immediate things that surface usually are the ones that need to be voiced and acknowledged. Maybe bring a notebook and write them down. Another practice is to fill in your “what ifs?” What if….. What if you wrote that book you dreamed about? What if you took the leap of faith and pitched your project to a publication? What if….name your most wild and magical wish! Think big! What would be so wild and crazy that you wouldn’t believe it until it happened? Well, know that it already has my friend. What if it came true this year? Mind you, I’m not hyper-spiritual, but sitting on the beach today made me ask the question, “What if?…'“ Doesn’t it just make you smile and feel giddy with excitement? What if?….
What are your what-ifs for 2024?
Here’s to cultivating the new year with intention. If you’d like support along the way, my mentorship program might be right for you.