Nurturing Creativity in Challenging Times

There are no words to describe the past few days on Maui. It's been extremely challenging in so many unforeseen ways for everyone. I've been glued to the news and stories that flood in every day, and it's taken such a toll on everyone emotionally. The psychological healing from the island's trauma hasn't even begun, yet each day feels like we are further down a darker hole. There are different waves of emotions, rolling in one after another in its wake. We all hold this island so dear to our hearts. As an empathetic and highly sensitive person, it's been so difficult not to drown in tragic news stories. I feel emotionally ragged, wishing to wake up to a different reality. Yet, in dark situations like this, we must process the emotions as they come rather than burying them away and dissociating from our feelings. I've had to set boundaries of how much information I consume, what I listen to, what I read, and who I speak to to protect my mental health. At such times of collective loss and tragedy, we can come together in grief while doing what's best for ourselves. Thinking about creating or photographing again seems insensitive and trivial. It's a push and pull of wanting to but feeling like it's not right, even though it probably will make me feel a little lighter in the end. In these times of despair, we must turn inwards and nurture ourselves in order to help others and continue to create. One step back, two steps forward.

Whether you are a photographer or artist, our energy is one of our most precious resources to fuel our inspiration and creativity. Nurturing our energy like a planted seed and coaxing it to grow with love and care is far healthier than wishing, forcing, or compartmentalizing our feelings concerning our work. In light of the devastation of this past week, these are just a few nourishing ways I've found to help nurture our creative and sensitive souls in a time of grief or loss. They may not work for you, but I can only hope they will provide a sense of peace or calm in difficult times

With love,


  • Turn off the news, phone, or anything that is triggering you

  • Find solace in nature or in a garden

  • Go for a walk without your phone

  • Pour a nourishing hot drink, sit in quiet with the present moment

  • Call a friend

  • Arrange some fresh flowers for your work space or home

  • Offer kindness in every interaction

  • Play with your pet(s)

  • Journal

  • Write a list of gratitude

  • Listen your favorite music, read an inspiring passage in your favorite book

  • Meditate

  • Silence your phone or any unnecessary alerts

  • Take a warm, soothing bath

  • Remind yourself of your goals and vision

  • Flip through inspiring creative or art books

  • Garden, plant, or pot a new plant for your desk or home

  • Bake or cook something comforting or nourishing

  • Cloud watch laying on your back to help open your vision

  • Gentle stretches or have an easy yoga session before bedtime

  • Take time away to do you need for you


Visual Storytelling Series | Finding Inspiration


Visual Storytelling Series | Catia Lemmi