A Year Of Intention

Blink, and it's the new year. One minute I was pulling up thick wooly socks, and the next, slathering sunscreen on the beach over every pasty bit that was hidden under winter layers. I never was into New Years' celebrations as it feels like a rather superficial holiday, with meaningless well wishes and empty promises and resolutions amidst the splashing of champagne coupes and kisses. Resolutions are a funny thing to me; I never quite understood them as most rarely keep them. It's a trick of the mind, really, to think that we have a fresh start and new opportunity to begin anew when in reality, every passing moment is an opportunity to change, however big or small. 

Although, one thing I honor about welcoming the New Year in both my personal and creative life, is to refocus my intention and vision for the year ahead. Rather than having a rigid, hard and fast rule about not doing this or not eating that, I think setting intentions is a far more gracious and achievable action. In this first week, I've been thinking of how I can be more intentional in my work and personal life. Who do I want to give my time to? What truly brings me joy? What can I do to help and guide my future self? What can I say "no" to? Am I taking the right steps toward my dream? Is my creative work leaving me fulfilled or uninspired? 

Setting intentions rather than resolutions for my work and my personal life feels far more comfortable and meaningful. I've realized as each year passes, time is so precious. It's finite and the one resource we can never have more of or get back. And how I've wasted so much of it is a hard pill to swallow, albeit a fundamental step for self-growth and moving forward with an open and brave heart. I find New Years can be tinged with sadness, which often isn't discussed. Another year gone by, and wishes and dreams are still unfilled, or you find your feet in the same unsatisfied place in life as the year before. Yet if you're like me, you still have that spark or ember that needs a little tending and stoking to keep alive. One practice that has helped me nurture that light within is to journal my intention for the day, the month, and the year as a whole. And as a highly visual person, as you probably are too, creating a collage of the intention for my year and, well, life really. It keeps that vision in the forefront of my mind, which slowly embeds in my subconscious. "You will go where your eyes go." If you look at the fence post while driving, you'll unconsciously veer in that direction. Have you ever experienced that? This year I am trying to embrace that concept in all areas of my life, being aware and intentional about what I read, watch, and interact with…everything. It all is energy and, in some way or another, those interactions and influences get tucked away into our subconscious programming. The more I realize this principle, the more hyper-aware I am of what I consume in all aspects of life. 

When you wake up in the morning and get the first look at your groggy, unkempt self…what is your first thought? Is it your do-to list, or are you surprised at how tired you still look even after a good night's rest? Are your first thoughts generally negative or positive in tone? I thought about that this morning, and I could be a bit kinder to myself. Rather than spiraling into a negative chain of thoughts about the day or going on autopilot into my regular routine, I have been practicing to "see" the best version of myself looking back at me in the mirror. Oh, hello there! What does she look like? How does she act or believe about herself? What fulfills her? What does her life feel and look like?

What is the BEST version of you that you attain to be? That is who we can authentically model. No one else. You are the greatest asset you'll ever have... Intentional action is how to further the distance between you and you - the real you. Meet your best version of yourself in the mirror in the morning and see what happens…does it make you feel ashamed or guilty? Or hopeful and empowered? 

This past year was quite rocky for me, and I sometimes struggled to stay positive. One little light that guided me when I didn't know what step to take next was the knowledge that this challenging time was only temporary. All things pass in time. This practice of meeting your best self in the mirror in the morning is a new practice for me. And an uncomfortable one at that sometimes. I'd ask her, "I'm not sure what I should focus on right now; what would you do? What step would you take?" The answers often don't come right away. But by getting quiet and retreating within to feel that version of you can clean the window, so to speak, and provide clarity. Realizing the distance between you and you (your fully actualized self) is a powerful moment of self-awareness, self-belief, and, ultimately self-love.

I know this is a bit of a ramble and introspective per my normal entry, but I wanted to share my thoughts for this new year, however imperfect. I hope it helps in some way wherever you find yourself. Change begins within, as the old adage says, and it couldn't be more true. Too often we are our the biggest blocks in our progress and happiness, so perhaps give a little wink and hello to you in the morning for a bit of encouragement and light to guide you into the new year. 

Sending you love and peace,



maui hawaii

Citrus Greek Yogurt Cake


Fennel & Raisin Biscotti