New Book: The Outdoor Table

I can’t believe it’s been nearly a year since my first book, The Art of Picnics was published. The whole process felt (and still does) utterly surreal. It was unlike anything I’ve experienced before, and I set a high bar for myself at the outset because this book was so personal to me. When my publisher proposed a second book idea on outdoor entertaining, I was simultaneously thrilled and humbled. The first felt like a blessing and the second feels like a privilege. The concept for The Outdoor Table has roots in the first book with a focus on outdoor entertaining and celebrating the natural environment. Rather than being divided seasonally with personal stories, I’ve compiled the book into different sections on how to create an easy and delicious outdoor gathering from an invitation to dessert. The recipes are straightforward and approachable, meant to be shared under the cool shade of a tree or at a golden sunset on the lanai. Like most of my work, it centers on the importance of sharing and gathering in communion with nature. Eating outside with glorious weather with friends and family is so enriching and life-giving. It is just one way to create joy in the mundane every day. These recipes are meant to inspire you to call up some friends when the weather is sublime for a casual, easy-breezy dinner party that is equally rewarding as it is delicious. This book forgoes any fuss and fancy trimmings that often hold us back from hosting all together. Outdoor entertaining should inherently be laid back and easy, just like an idyllic summer’s day.

Here is a brief snippet from the opening pages that I wanted to share. I hope you will pick up a copy for yourself and a friend, may it inspire you to gather with those you love in the sunshine! (And pass along your recipe picks so everyone can contribute to your lovely lunch!)

An Opening Note


I’ve always felt that cooking and baking are one of the warmest gestures of love, kindness, and hospitality. Whether it is slicing up an oven fresh, steaming loaf for an impromptu visit from a friend, making a dish for an intimate weekend dinner party, or sharing a good home cooked meal, cooking and baking are gifts to those you love most. I am just a home cook, merely equipped with years of trial and error and a deep love for cooking and baking. Often, I find myself up to my knees in a rather challenging or complicated recipe simply because I enjoy the process and presence in requires, even if I’m left alone with two dozen flaky croissants.  Whatever I make, even if it’s a little higgledy piggledy or a touch brown, I love to share it as much as I love to make it. There is nothing quite like sitting down to a plate that was created with thought, love, and care.. The pleasure of inviting friends and family over to share a beautiful meal isn’t meant to be perfect or rigid. I simply don’t live or entertain that way. Apart from the winter months, our ceramic table on the terrace is surrounded with friends, family, and anyone else we can squeeze in for a sunset dinner under the twinkling lights. Good food is meant to be shared and it's as simple as that.

Sharing a meal outside makes the occasion even more unforgettable and special. Growing up, we  always had a rotation of friends and family coming around for outdoor dinner parties. Whether it be sitting on the front porch for a midsummer barbecue or a bowl of fresh blueberry cobbler with a front seat to a summer lightning storm. When I dine at a restaurant I usually choose to sit outside without a second thought, unless it is intolerably cold or hot. There is something inexplicable about dining outside. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I’ve concluded it’s a stimulating medley of sensory feelings of sights, sounds, tastes, and touch. The sun seems to appear all the brighter, the breeze gentler, life feels slower and carefree…and the food is more colorful and enticing! It even seems to taste better, perhaps the fresh air or sunlight adds some magic to the dish. Maybe it’s the little bird that cocks its head curiously at you on the chair across waiting for a crumb of your bread…Everyone seems to linger over the table a little bit longer, engage deeper in conversation, and savor the moment.

 I’ve always been an outdoor enthusiast and spend as much time as I can adventuring in nature. It’s my place of solace and comfort. I truly believe that living well with a happy mind and heart is deeply intertwined with our connection to the natural world. I’m the sort that will happily plop down in a sunny spot on the porch steps in mid-winter with my breakfast. It breaks up the daily routine adding a little bit of joy to what might be an otherwise dull day. Sharing a meal outside enriches our relationships and enhances our quality of life. Life just feels more alive! Sharing a meal to the hum of the bees, chirps of the birds, or rhythm of the waves, makes life seem simpler and it should be. How important these little things are to our well-being and contentment. They are the gatherings we remember, that remind us to live in and cherish the moment. And what a privilege that is! It is filling in more ways than one. Living and eating well I believe, begins with embracing our roots in nature and our connection to each other. With thoughtfulness and a little planning, the outdoor table is a great place to start.

The Outdoor Table is available for preorder, just in time for summer gatherings! May it bring many happy and joyful memories to your outdoor table!

Enjoy x


The Outdoor Table: Available for Preorder


Oh, la la Rosé


Earl Grey Jubilee Cake