Without a doubt, this past year has taken a heavy toll on all mothers in more ways than one. As ever, they were constant sources of support, care, love, and selflessness during this challenging year. Working at home whilst cooking breakfast, helping with math homework, keeping the daily life organized and as flowing as normal as possible, it is truly the year to give thanks and honor all mothers. Our lives were turned up side down, I know mine was and how much I wish I had my mother with me. So to give back a little sweet something to them to celebrate their selflessness, sacrifice, love, and hard work, I created a spring picnic menu that certainly will be a delight for the whole family - especially after being cooped up all year. We all could use little more sunshine and fresh air too.
These recipes are simple, straightforward, and can even be prepared with the little ones. Pack up her favorite blooms, perhaps a handmade card, rosé or lemonade in a basket, and head out for a lovely family outing at the park. It will certainly be a real treat and will beat any brunch in a restaurant. Remember, it’s the thought that counts!
Hope you enjoy and Happy Mother’s Day to all, we needed you more than ever this year.