An Early Spring
This year has just flown past, it seems that once January was over the weeks have gone by so quickly I can’t keep up. January was quite dull and gray, raining for weeks straight…it’s a relief to have some sun and warmth back again. Despite the idyllic image of Hawaii, the winters can be very cold and damp, especially where I live at the base of Haleakala. I escaped the cold Maui winter to another beautiful island in the Caribbean. It was a welcomed break to life (which still happens even in paradise…) After two weeks of being in the sun and salt water, it was refreshing to come back to the island with fresh eyes and a new perspective.
Turks + Caicos Islands
Turks + Caicos Islands
The peach trees are blossoming in the garden with their fuzzy little fruit. The rain showers still come and go, which makes it easy to work inside without being distracted by the sunshine. It’s been a busy spring with a new client — cooking and food styling every week in their production studio. It drives to focus more on my own work and creativity which is definitely a goal of mine this spring. Springtime seems to always bring out the creativity and drive in me…must be all the blooms and new life of the season. So many projects so little time!
I hope the spring comes early for you too,